Call off :
Clear away :
Do away with :
Omit :
Synonyms :
Leave out, Forget, Take out, Drop
Leave out, Forget, Take out, Drop
English Meaning :
(Verb : Prevent from being included or considered or accepted)
(Verb : Prevent from being included or considered or accepted)
Example : the doctors may omit to tell you until they're sure
the doctors may omit to tell you until they're sure
Peel back :
Pull at :
Remove :
Synonyms :
Detach, Take off, Take out, Take away, Clean off, Dismiss, Withdraw, Delete, Uproot, Cut off, Get rid of, Take, Transfer, Absent, Bump off
Detach, Take off, Take out, Take away, Clean off, Dismiss, Withdraw, Delete, Uproot, Cut off, Get rid of, Take, Transfer, Absent, Bump off
English Meaning :
(Noun : Degree of figurative distance or separation)
(Verb : Remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract)
(Noun : Degree of figurative distance or separation)
(Verb : Remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract)
Example : Finally, make sure to clean brushes and foundation sponges weekly to remove makeup buildup and keep them fresh, soft, and supple.
Finally, make sure to clean brushes and foundation sponges weekly to remove makeup buildup and keep them fresh, soft, and supple.
Word Example from TV Shows :
...where I attempt to REMOVE
your leather armor.
The Big Bang Theory Season 6, Episode 23
...where I attempt to REMOVE
your leather armor.
The Big Bang Theory Season 6, Episode 23
Scratch off :
Shake out :
Spay :
Synonyms :
Neuter, Castrate, Alter
English Meaning :
(Verb : Remove the ovaries of)
(Verb : Remove the ovaries of)
Example : I think it's practical to spay and neuter deer to gradually decrease the population.
I think it's practical to spay and neuter deer to gradually decrease the population.
Take out :
Unhook :
English Meaning :
(Verb : Take off a hook)
Example : I unhook my backpack from the hook on the back of my door, and stuff some supplies into it.
I unhook my backpack from the hook on the back of my door, and stuff some supplies into it.
Unpin :
English Meaning :
(Verb : )
Example : Always unpin is a good maxim, as a pin is ALWAYS a negative feature of your position, as 1 or 2 pieces have restricted mobility and a later combination may be possible.
Always unpin is a good maxim, as a pin is ALWAYS a negative feature of your position, as 1 or 2 pieces have restricted mobility and a later combination may be possible.