Albanian to English Meaning :: gyp
gyp: Fistula   Funnel   
Fistula :
Synonyms :
English Meaning :
(Noun : A chronic inflammation of the withers of a horse)
Example : Subsequent inflammation may result in a fistula between these structures and the passage of a gall stone into the bowel.
Funnel :
Synonyms :
Tube, Pipe, Channel, Conduit, Channel, Feed, Direct, Pump, Convey, Move, Pass, Pour, Filter, Trickle down
English Meaning :
(Noun : A conical shape with a wider and a narrower opening at the two ends)
(Verb : Move or pour through a funnel)
Example : They repainted the ship's funnel and lifeboats, changed its name, then sailed to a rendezvous with a second tanker and transferred most of the cargo before getting clean away.

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