Etching :
Synonyms :
Engraving, Print, Impression, Block, Plate, Woodcut, Linocut, Engrave, Carve, Inscribe, Incise, Chase, Score, Print, Mark
Engraving, Print, Impression, Block, Plate, Woodcut, Linocut, Engrave, Carve, Inscribe, Incise, Chase, Score, Print, Mark
English Meaning :
(Noun : )
(Verb : )
Example : a dozen cycles of etching interspersed with the implantation of ions
a dozen cycles of etching interspersed with the implantation of ions
Gravure :
Synonyms :
Photogravure, Heliogravure
Photogravure, Heliogravure
English Meaning :
(Noun : A printing process that uses an etched or engraved plate; the plate is smeared with ink and wiped clean, then the ink left in the recesses makes the print)
(Noun : A printing process that uses an etched or engraved plate; the plate is smeared with ink and wiped clean, then the ink left in the recesses makes the print)
Example : In gravure printing the letters are etched into a plate (usually Copper), then ink is forced into the letters, scraped from the area around the letters and paper is forced onto the ink at extremely high pressure.
In gravure printing the letters are etched into a plate (usually Copper), then ink is forced into the letters, scraped from the area around the letters and paper is forced onto the ink at extremely high pressure.