Greenery :
Synonyms :
Foliage, Vegetation, Plants, Green, Leaves, Leafage, Undergrowth, Underbrush, Plant life, Flora, Herbage, Verdure
Foliage, Vegetation, Plants, Green, Leaves, Leafage, Undergrowth, Underbrush, Plant life, Flora, Herbage, Verdure
English Meaning :
(Noun : Green foliage)
Example : Wearing leather gloves for protection, cut sprigs of greenery and bunch them up.
Wearing leather gloves for protection, cut sprigs of greenery and bunch them up.
Verdure :
English Meaning :
(Noun : Green foliage)
Example : Low-lying nylon-strung verdure cohabited the same space as vocal powwows, a move straight out of the Neutral Milk Hotel gratuity bible.
Low-lying nylon-strung verdure cohabited the same space as vocal powwows, a move straight out of the Neutral Milk Hotel gratuity bible.
Viridity :
Synonyms :
Greenness, Green
English Meaning :
(Noun : Green color or pigment; resembling the color of growing grass)
(Noun : Green color or pigment; resembling the color of growing grass)