Weathered :
Synonyms :
Weather-beaten, Worn, Tanned, Bronzed, Lined, Creased, Wrinkled, Gnarled, Gnarly, Survive, Come through, Ride out, Pull through, Withstand, Endure, Rise above, Surmount, Overcome, Resist, Brave, Stick out
Weather-beaten, Worn, Tanned, Bronzed, Lined, Creased, Wrinkled, Gnarled, Gnarly, Survive, Come through, Ride out, Pull through, Withstand, Endure, Rise above, Surmount, Overcome, Resist, Brave, Stick out
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
(Verb : )
Example : The canvases seem to have arisen from excavation; their weathered , oxidised appearance has an architectural appeal.
The canvases seem to have arisen from excavation; their weathered , oxidised appearance has an architectural appeal.