Augur :
Synonyms :
Auspex, Bode, Portend, Herald, Be a sign of, Warn of, Forewarn of, Foreshadow, Be an omen of, Presage, Indicate, Signify, Signal, Promise, Threaten, Spell, Denote, Predict, Prophesy, Betoken, Foretoken, Forebode
Auspex, Bode, Portend, Herald, Be a sign of, Warn of, Forewarn of, Foreshadow, Be an omen of, Presage, Indicate, Signify, Signal, Promise, Threaten, Spell, Denote, Predict, Prophesy, Betoken, Foretoken, Forebode
English Meaning :
(Noun : (ancient Rome)
(Verb : Indicate, as with a sign or an omen)
(Noun : (ancient Rome)
(Verb : Indicate, as with a sign or an omen)
Example : An augur in Latin was someone who could see into the future.
An augur in Latin was someone who could see into the future.