Fricative :
Synonyms :
Spirant, Strident, Continuant, Sibilant, Spirant
Spirant, Strident, Continuant, Sibilant, Spirant
English Meaning :
(Noun : A continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the vocal tract)
(Adjective : Of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f', `s', `z', or `th' in both `thin' and `then')
(Noun : A continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the vocal tract)
(Adjective : Of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f', `s', `z', or `th' in both `thin' and `then')
Example : Several other sounds originate in the back of the throat, often as a voiceless click rather than a voiced fricative .
Several other sounds originate in the back of the throat, often as a voiceless click rather than a voiced fricative .