Chamber :
Synonyms :
Room, Bedroom, Compartment, Bedchamber
Room, Bedroom, Compartment, Bedchamber
English Meaning :
(Noun : A natural or artificial enclosed space)
(Verb : Place in a chamber)
(Noun : A natural or artificial enclosed space)
(Verb : Place in a chamber)
Example : Wisely reluctant to admit the rabble into her office, she set up camp first in the too-small government caucus room, and then in the resplendent old legislative chamber .
Wisely reluctant to admit the rabble into her office, she set up camp first in the too-small government caucus room, and then in the resplendent old legislative chamber .
Word Example from TV Shows :
- Iocal institution looked upon with
favour by the Chamber of Commerce...
(Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 9)
- Iocal institution looked upon with
favour by the Chamber of Commerce...
(Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 9)
Houseroom :
English Meaning :
(Noun : Space for accommodation in a house)
(Noun : Space for accommodation in a house)
Example : "Such," says an official report, "is the lack of houseroom in the city that any kind of tenement can be immediately crowded with lodgers, if there is space."
"Such," says an official report, "is the lack of houseroom in the city that any kind of tenement can be immediately crowded with lodgers, if there is space."
Room :
Synonyms :
Space, Capacity, Chamber, Accommodations, Elbow room, Board
Space, Capacity, Chamber, Accommodations, Elbow room, Board
English Meaning :
(Noun : An area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling)
(Verb : Live and take one's meals at or in)
(Noun : An area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling)
(Verb : Live and take one's meals at or in)
Example : The room once again fell silent, as she waited for her answer.
The room once again fell silent, as she waited for her answer.
Word Example from TV Shows :
- You want some of this? I'll give you some.
- Sheldon, Leonard, living ROOM right now!
(The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 18)
- You want some of this? I'll give you some.
- Sheldon, Leonard, living ROOM right now!
(The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 18)