Floppy :
Synonyms :
Limp, Flaccid, Slack, Flabby, Relaxed, Drooping, Droopy, Loose, Flowing, Floppy disk, Diskette
Limp, Flaccid, Slack, Flabby, Relaxed, Drooping, Droopy, Loose, Flowing, Floppy disk, Diskette
English Meaning :
(Noun : A small plastic magnetic disk enclosed in a stiff envelope with a radial slit; used to store data or programs for a microcomputer)
(Adjective : Hanging limply)
(Noun : A small plastic magnetic disk enclosed in a stiff envelope with a radial slit; used to store data or programs for a microcomputer)
(Adjective : Hanging limply)
Example : It turned out I was wrong - it was just yet another lanky type dressed incongruously in white shirt, blazer and jeans, and sporting that trademark upper-class floppy hair.
It turned out I was wrong - it was just yet another lanky type dressed incongruously in white shirt, blazer and jeans, and sporting that trademark upper-class floppy hair.
Word Example from TV Shows :

It's on a five and a
quarter inch FLOPPY.
The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 5

It's on a five and a
quarter inch FLOPPY.
The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 5
Lazy :
Synonyms :
Idle, Indolent, Slothful, Work-shy, Shiftless, Inactive, Underactive, Sluggish, Lethargic, Remiss, Negligent, Slack, Lax, Lackadaisical
Idle, Indolent, Slothful, Work-shy, Shiftless, Inactive, Underactive, Sluggish, Lethargic, Remiss, Negligent, Slack, Lax, Lackadaisical
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Moving slowly and gently)
(Adjective : Moving slowly and gently)
Example : With its clear glass walls the main reading room resembles a fish tank, brimming with lazy activity as readers come and go.
With its clear glass walls the main reading room resembles a fish tank, brimming with lazy activity as readers come and go.
Word Example from TV Shows :

The dietitian at the cafeteria
with the limp and the LAZY eye?
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 3

The dietitian at the cafeteria
with the limp and the LAZY eye?
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 3
Lazybones :
Synonyms :
Idler, Loafer, Layabout, Lounger, Good-for-nothing, Do-nothing, Shirker, Sluggard, Laggard, Slugabed, Flâneur, Slacker, Couch potato, Wastrel
Idler, Loafer, Layabout, Lounger, Good-for-nothing, Do-nothing, Shirker, Sluggard, Laggard, Slugabed, Flâneur, Slacker, Couch potato, Wastrel
English Meaning :
(Noun : A lazy person)
Example : Though small, they can do wonders because frantically attacking these pests will keep the lazybones on their toes.
Though small, they can do wonders because frantically attacking these pests will keep the lazybones on their toes.
Slacker :
Synonyms :
Layabout, Idler, Shirker, Malingerer, Sluggard, Laggard, Lazybones, Bum, Goof-off
Layabout, Idler, Shirker, Malingerer, Sluggard, Laggard, Lazybones, Bum, Goof-off
English Meaning :
(Noun : )
Example : Because he needs help, McCaleb recruits his slacker neighbor, Buddy Noone to be his driver and gofer.
Because he needs help, McCaleb recruits his slacker neighbor, Buddy Noone to be his driver and gofer.
Work-shy :