...of Hugh Grant or Sandra Bullock.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 3
Synonyms :
Harm, Cost, Compensation, Price, Impairment, Wrong, Scathe, Harm
Word Example from TV Shows :

No tissue DAMAGE whatsoever.
The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 3

No tissue DAMAGE whatsoever.
The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 3
Detriment :
Synonyms :
Harm, Damage, Injury, Hurt, Impairment, Loss, Disadvantage, Disservice, Mischief
Harm, Damage, Injury, Hurt, Impairment, Loss, Disadvantage, Disservice, Mischief
English Meaning :
(Noun : A damage or loss)
(Noun : A damage or loss)
Example : The one person is there in whom God and man are one, without detriment to one or the other.
The one person is there in whom God and man are one, without detriment to one or the other.
Disadvantage :
Synonyms :
Drawback, Snag, Downside, Stumbling block, Fly in the ointment, Catch, Hindrance, Obstacle, Impediment, Flaw, Defect, Weakness, Fault, Handicap, Con, Trouble, Difficulty, Problem, Complication, Nuisance, Minus, Disfavor, Disfavour
Drawback, Snag, Downside, Stumbling block, Fly in the ointment, Catch, Hindrance, Obstacle, Impediment, Flaw, Defect, Weakness, Fault, Handicap, Con, Trouble, Difficulty, Problem, Complication, Nuisance, Minus, Disfavor, Disfavour
English Meaning :
(Noun : The quality of having an inferior or less favorable position)
(Verb : Put at a disadvantage; hinder, harm)
(Noun : The quality of having an inferior or less favorable position)
(Verb : Put at a disadvantage; hinder, harm)
Example : it'll work to your disadvantage
it'll work to your disadvantage
Word Example from TV Shows :

But I guess any team that I'm not on
has a decided DISADVANTAGE.
The Big Bang Theory Season 6, Episode 4

But I guess any team that I'm not on
has a decided DISADVANTAGE.
The Big Bang Theory Season 6, Episode 4
Harm :
Synonyms :
Injury, Evil, Impairment, Trauma, Damage, Injure, Damage
Injury, Evil, Impairment, Trauma, Damage, Injure, Damage
English Meaning :
(Noun : Any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.)
(Verb : Cause or do harm to)
(Noun : Any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.)
(Verb : Cause or do harm to)
Example : These are just a few among many examples of how the evidence for harm from current air pollution levels is far weaker than ALA claims.
These are just a few among many examples of how the evidence for harm from current air pollution levels is far weaker than ALA claims.
Word Example from TV Shows :

As long as it's two consenting adults,
I don't see the HARM.
The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 24

As long as it's two consenting adults,
I don't see the HARM.
The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 24
Ox :
Synonyms :
Bull, Bullock, Steer, Beef
Bull, Bullock, Steer, Beef
English Meaning :
(Noun : A domesticated bovine animal kept for milk or meat; a cow or bull.)
(Noun : A domesticated bovine animal kept for milk or meat; a cow or bull.)
Example : Even though most such oxen are used for plowing, which is forbidden in the Sabbatical year, it is not unusual for someone to buy an ox for its meat.
Even though most such oxen are used for plowing, which is forbidden in the Sabbatical year, it is not unusual for someone to buy an ox for its meat.