Cylindrical :
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Having the form of a cylinder)
(Adjective : Having the form of a cylinder)
Terete :
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Especially of plant parts; cylindrical and tapering)
(Adjective : Especially of plant parts; cylindrical and tapering)
Example : In addition, each lobe is somewhat twisted so that it gives the superficial impression of a terete structure that is stigmatic everywhere.
In addition, each lobe is somewhat twisted so that it gives the superficial impression of a terete structure that is stigmatic everywhere.
Tubular :
Synonyms :
Cannular, Tubelike, Tube-shaped
Cannular, Tubelike, Tube-shaped
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Constituting a tube; having hollow tubes (as for the passage of fluids)
(Adjective : Constituting a tube; having hollow tubes (as for the passage of fluids)
Example : Tensile forces are transferred through tubular steel members.
Tensile forces are transferred through tubular steel members.