Chatter :
Synonyms :
Chat, Chattering, Yakety-yak, Jaw, Click, Blab
Chat, Chattering, Yakety-yak, Jaw, Click, Blab
English Meaning :
(Noun : Noisy talk)
(Verb : Click repeatedly or uncontrollably)
(Noun : Noisy talk)
(Verb : Click repeatedly or uncontrollably)
Example : A similar need to divert the audience at every instant seems to motivate the film's incessant stream of chatter .
A similar need to divert the audience at every instant seems to motivate the film's incessant stream of chatter .
Word Example from TV Shows :
I was less the CHATTER than the chattee.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 2)
I was less the CHATTER than the chattee.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 2)