Atom :
Synonyms :
Particle, Grain, Speck
English Meaning :
(Noun : (physics and chemistry)
(Noun : (physics and chemistry)
Example : If it were a little more curved it would collapse, imploding on itself in a cosmic crunch; a little less curved, and every star, planet, sun and galaxy would fly apart from each other and so would every atom of matter in each of them.
If it were a little more curved it would collapse, imploding on itself in a cosmic crunch; a little less curved, and every star, planet, sun and galaxy would fly apart from each other and so would every atom of matter in each of them.
Word Example from TV Shows :
A hydrogen ATOM, H,
plus pigs minus P, "higs."
The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 13
A hydrogen ATOM, H,
plus pigs minus P, "higs."
The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 13
Atomy :