Agglomerate :
Synonyms :
Cumulus, Mound, Pile, Cumulation, Heap, Clustered, Agglomerated
Cumulus, Mound, Pile, Cumulation, Heap, Clustered, Agglomerated
English Meaning :
(Noun : Volcanic rock consisting of large fragments fused together)
(Verb : Form into one cluster)
(Adjective : Clustered together but not coherent)
(Noun : Volcanic rock consisting of large fragments fused together)
(Verb : Form into one cluster)
(Adjective : Clustered together but not coherent)
Example : A short agglomerate cork suggests that the bottler had little regard for the ageing ability of this wine, while a particularly long cork is indicative at least of ambition or optimism.
A short agglomerate cork suggests that the bottler had little regard for the ageing ability of this wine, while a particularly long cork is indicative at least of ambition or optimism.